

I've been absent. Too many things going on in my little pea brain to come up with something brilliant to bolg about so I've intentionally stayed away. In case you think my celebratory life pooped out on the 4th...I say "no, no, no," to coin a phrase from the new queen of soul, Amy Winehouse. The 4th did slow me down through the 5th but I was back in the saddle by the 6th.

This week's Celebration Calendar could be considered a bit ho-hum, kicked off with Video Game Day and ending with Bastille Day on Saturday. Not much in between except for a couple notable items; Dick Clark hosted his first American Bandstand broadcast July 9th 1956. So sad for you if you weren't born soon enough to catch it in it's prime. All the great ones made their debut on the little screen. Another little screen debut this week in 1960 was the Etch-a-Sketch. Hours of fun spent turning little knobs trying your darnedest to create a stick figure masterpiece or write your name. Our perfectionized culture has evolved- from knobs to joy sticks; TV screens to I-Pod windows; even Paris and storming the Bastille is late-breaking-news. Since I'm not the least bit superstitious I'm ignoring Friday the 13th.

Instead I've decided to celebrate all the others on Saturday- Bastille Day. "How and why" you ask? Bastille Day is the celebration of the common Frenchman's liberation from the Monarchy. No more King. In my case, the King (The World's Best Husband) as I call him, is going fishing for the weekend- (translation) freedom, liberation, vive la France! It's actually the 2nd weekend fishing trip in a row. I'm treating myself to the royal treatment at a day spa. Facial, 1 hour massage, mud baths, mineral pools, lunch, yep the whole 9 yards. Sure beats fishing! I'll take my I-Pod and listen to Amy, have a rum and Coke and doodle on my pocket sized Etch-a-Sketch by the pool. The little smile on my face? Always having something to celebrate.

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